Ash Wednesday, the first day of the season of Lent, is on March 5, 2025. We will have a 6:30pm worship service which will include the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. Midweek Lenten services will continue on eash Wednesday through April 9. The sermon series theme for our services is "Broken." Each week, we'll be looking at an example of brokenness in this sinful world and restoration in Christ, ultimately leading to the broken justice that Christ endured and the redemption He won for us through His broken tomb! Please join us this Lent as we focus our hearts on Christ crucified.Â
Posted on
February 22, 2025 1:34 PM
Kory Janneke
Save the date for a Chili Cook-Off Supper on Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 5:00pm at church. Join in a friendly competition to make the best chili or just come and enjoy some food and fellowship! Sign up in the church entryway if you plan to bring a chili or soup to share, other fixings, dessert, etc.Â
Posted on
February 17, 2025 9:45 AM
Kory Janneke
Save the Date: on Wednesday, January 22 from 5:00-7:00pm, we'll have our next Prayer Vigil at church. From 5:00-6:00pm, the church will be open for quiet, personal prayer time. Beginning at 6:00pm, we will have a time of sharing various prayer needs with one another and lifting up those prayers to the Lord. Then, we'll close the evening with a structured prayer service with Scripture readings and hymns. Please join us to pray for your needs, for our congregation, for our country, and for one another.
Posted on
January 18, 2025 2:32 PM
Kory Janneke
New Wednesday Bible Study - join us in the church fellowship hall each Wednesday at 10:00am for a new study: "66 Books." This study will be an overview of each book of the Bible, beginning with Genesis on Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
New Sunday Bible Study - join us in the church sanctuary each Sunday at 9:00am as we read and discuss the Gospel of John, and later, John's other writings in the New Testament. This study will begin on Sunday, February 2, 2025.Â
Posted on
January 14, 2025 3:32 PM
Kory Janneke
We will have our regular 10am service on Sunday, January 12. Temperatures should be above freezing by that point and the main roads are in good condition around Conway. However, please use your best judgment in determining if it's safe for you to attend. We will not have Sunday School or Bible Study on January 12, as temperatures may still be below freezing earlier in the morning. If you're unable to join us for tomorrow's service, we look forward to seeing you next Sunday.
Posted on
January 11, 2025 1:26 PM
Kory Janneke