It was a blustery morning on January 4, 1998 when St. Matthew Lutheran Church held its first worship service. Rev. Herman Reese led the congregation in a meeting room of the what was then the new Faulkner County Library. The new congregation was primarily composed of members coming from Peace Lutheran Church in Conway or Shepherd of Peace Lutheran Church in Maumelle. The founding members chose as their mission "Reaching the Lost and Feeding the Found through God's Word."Β 

The name "St. Matthew" was chosen in remembrance of one of Jesus' Twelve Apostles (Matthew or β€œLevi”) whom Jesus called away from his tax booth to follow Him (Matthew 9:9). Matthew also went on to write one of the four Gospels in the New Testament. Matthew concludes with Jesus' commissioning words: β€œAll authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

In its initial years, St. Matthew was a mission congregation supported by the Mid-South District of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. The congregation gathered in a variety of rented spaces around Conway, including at UCA, a property on Morningside Drive (where St. Matthew worshipped for eight years), Hendrix College, and Olympia Plaza on E. Oak Street. Hopes and plans for a more permanent location grew among the members. Originally, a site for a new building was selected on E. German Lane on the east side of Conway. However, when Advent Lutheran Church disbanded (a former congregation of the ELCA), its move-in ready facility became available. St. Matthew purchased its current property at 900 Farris Rd. in 2014 and dedicated its new worship space on November 30, 2014.

St. Matthew has been served by several pastors through the years, in either full-time, part-time, or vacancy capacities. Sadly, Rev. Herman Reese died unexpectedly just weeks after St. Matthew began worshipping. (Rev. Reese was also the founding pastor of Peace Lutheran Church in Conway and served several other congregations around Arkansas during his lengthy ministry.) Mission developer, Rev. Ric McMillan, led the congregation through its first several years. Rev. Paul Hoppe also served as one of St. Matthew's full-time pastors. Faithful ministry was also provided by Rev. Pete Ave-Lallamant, commuting from Fairfield Bay for several years. Vacancy pastors included Rev. John Gierke, formerly of Peace Lutheran in Conway, and Rev. Donald Hefta, from Hot Springs Village.

Some of St. Matthew's most difficult years occured around 2019 and 2020 as a time of pastoral turnover was followed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The congregation dwindled and its future was uncertain. However, with the encouragement of the Mid-South District, St. Matthew began seeking another full-time pastor. Rev. Kory Janneke accepted St. Matthew's Call in March of 2022 and was installed on May 15, 2022.Β 

The Lord has faithfully led St. Matthew through both the highs and lows of its history thus far, and on May 23, 2023, the congregation was able to joyfully celebrate its 25th anniversary with the theme, "The Church's One Foundation Is Jesus Christ Her Lord." Former pastors Ric McMillan, Pete Ave-Lallamant, and Donald Hefta were all present for the occasion, along with many past and present members and friends of the congregation.

By the grace of God, St. Matthew has grown considerably in both membership and participation over these past several years. We thank the Lord for preserving this congregation through its first 26+ years and enabling us to continue proclaiming the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ in the growing city of Conway. We look forward to seeing how the Lord will work through the ministry of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in the years to come!
