Pastor Kory’s Page for January 2025
One of the Bible’s most “upbeat” and joyful books is St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Even though Paul wrote this epistle somewhat near the end of his life and from a Roman prison cell, his attitude is thankful and hopeful in the Lord.
Paul introduces his letter by writing, “Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Philippians 1:1-5)
These opening words remind us that Paul did not work alone. He served together with other ministers, including Timothy. (At earlier points in his ministry, he worked hand-in-hand with Barnabas, Silas, Luke and others.) Paul also counted the laity and pastors of Philippi as partners in the Lord’s work. After greeting them with a word of Christ’s grace and peace, Paul gives thanks. The Philippian Christians are a source of joy to him. From the first day that Paul shared the Gospel in their midst (described in Acts chapter 16), until the moment he penned these words, Paul regarded these believers as partners with him in the Gospel.
The word that Paul uses for “partnership” is the Greek word koinonia, sometimes translated as, “fellowship.” This koinonia between Paul and the Philippians was more than exchanging pleasantries, though. It was their sharing and participating in the blessings of the Gospel and the responsibilities of life in the body of Christ. There was both giving and receiving between Paul and the Philippians. (Read more about this in Phil. 4:14-19.) The Philippians shared Paul’s troubles with him. They did so by praying for him and his ministry and by sending him help (financial support and supplies). In 4:18, Paul states that he has received the gifts the Philippians sent him and that he is well supplied. Clearly, the partnership Paul shared with them was more than sentimental but was very practical for his ministry and his physical needs.
What makes Philippians such an upbeat and joyful book is that it’s really an extended thank you letter to a congregation that faithfully supported Paul and his mission to the Gentiles. Repeatedly, the Philippian Christians proved to be true partners in the Gospel and Paul wrote back to them to encourage and thank them, in turn.
The Lord has also brought us together in His Church to be partners in the Gospel in our time and place. The Church’s mission cannot be accomplished only by missionaries like Paul or by pastors like me. All the saints in Christ Jesus are meant to contribute to the life and work of the Church.
For 2025, I’ve chosen the phrase “Partners in the Gospel” as a congregational theme for us to continue reflecting on and putting into practice. We need to “partner up” just as much as the first generation of Christians! Think of all the different sorts of partners that are needed in the Church: prayer partners, leadership partners, accountability partners, financial partners, volunteer partners, and so on. The Lord’s Church cannot operate without such partnerships!
Who can you partner with? Is there someone who needs your prayers? Is there someone you can team up with? Is there someone you can “pass the torch” to? Who can we partner with as a congregation? How can we be a blessing not only to those in this church family but beyond it? How can we strengthen partnerships with our circuit, district, and synod? How can we contribute to other ministries like Camp Trinity or to local non-profits as they serve our neighbors?
Let’s have some conversations about these opportunities for partnership! And let me close by echoing Paul’s thanksgiving for you: “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you … because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Kory Janneke